About the Republic Council on Road Traffic Safety – РСБСП | Р.С. Безбедност на Сообраќајот на Патиштата

In order to improve the road traffic safety, as a matter of wider social interest in the country, it is established Republic Council on Road Traffic Safety.

Republic Council on Road Traffic Safety (RCRTS) is an advisory body of the National Assembly (Parliament) of the Republic of Macedonia. The President and the members of the RCRTS are appointed by the Parliament for a period of 4 years. The Council was established back in 1962 as a separate professional body in then State Secretary of the Interior. During its years of operation the Council has been developed into one of the leading bodies in the state, besides the basic tasks for the promotion and development of traffic education, upbringing, culture and ethics of all participants in the traffic, perform the function of one of the main initiators for Implementation of measures to improve the safety of road. 

  • According to its competences, RCRTS is responsible for:
  • Promoting the issues related to road traffic safety, 
  • Promoting of traffic education for all road traffic users as well as developing of traffic education in kinder gardens and schools, 
  • Establishing cooperation and coordination in preventive actions of the authorities, institutions, companies and other entities on issues related to the field of traffic safety on the roads
  • Organizing and participating in traffic – educational actions and events in the field of traffic prevention,
  • Promoting, developing and facilitating scientific – research work in the field of traffic safety on the roads;
  • Preparing and issuing traffic – educational publications, movies, videos and etc. 
  • Organizing scientific and expert meetings on matters concerning the security of the traffic;
  • Cooperation with the media in order to timely, fully and objectively informing the public on measures to promote traffic safety and prevention of road traffic.

Based on the instruction received from the Coordination Body of the Government for improving the road traffic safety, Republic Council on Road Traffic Safety in cooperation with various bodies, organizations and institutions has prepared, and the Parliament adopt the First National strategy of the Republic of Macedonia for improving the safety of road traffic 2009 – 2014 and the Second National strategy of the Republic of Macedonia for improving the safety of road traffic in 2015 – 2020. With this activity RCRTS acknowledge the role of Coordinator of all activities and institutions responsible for improving the road traffic safety.

RCRTS activities are recognized not only in the country, but also in the wider international community. RCRTS is a full member of the International Organization for Traffic Safety (PRI – La Prevention Routiere Internationale). In that line, in 2014 the Republic of Macedonia and RCRTS were hosts and organizers of the International Conference on Road Traffic Safety on the topic: “The role of local governments in improving the safety of local and regional roads”. Also, from 2016 RCRTS is a full member of the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC).

In order to respond to the tasks stipulated by law and the objectives set out in the National Strategy, the RCRTS is constantly working to raise the responsibility of all relevant entities in the country as well as raising the awareness among all stakeholders in traffic, and thus emphasizes the personal responsibility of each individual in any way participate in traffic as the primary responsibility for the overall road traffic safety.

The Council specifically is committed to improve the safety of the most vulnerable groups of road users – pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and young drivers, and in that line we managed many campaigns. Significant are commitments in improving traffic education of children in traffic by organizing traffic educational events such as “Kids Traffic light”, “Traffic – technical culture of youth”, “Let’s protect children in traffic” and many others. 

Republic Council on Road Traffic Safety as a body responsible for promoting traffic preventive measures have continuously improved and perfected its action, continuously monitors and analyzes developments in the road traffic safety and according to that – promotes different, multi-sectorial and multidisciplinary approach, in addressing issues related to road traffic safety.


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